Here is Nutmeg. She displaces 9 tons measuring 33' LOA, 8.5' Beam, and about 4.5' Draft. Built by Hillayd in the early 60's with English Oak and Mahogony. Her appearance here is shows her age (as well as some poorly repaired impact damage near the waterline admidships starboard.)
When I first saw Nutmeg in April, there was ice in the bilge from snow that had blown in throughout the winter.
Note the melting ice seeping out of the garboard (hopefully no so much along the keel.) The extent of this fresh water incursion will not be known until I dismantle the cabins and get to the boat's floor. At least a third of the frames will need replacing but most of the planking appears sound.
The pine cabin roofs and fiberglass covered decks will be replaced but you can see she is now stripped down and ready for transport (many thanks to my father, shown here, for lending a hand.)